Thursday, 29 October 2009
False friends
To attend - not "atender" (answer); be present at an event such as a meeting or a class;
To pretend - not "pretender" (intend); to behave as if something is true when in fact you know it is not; in order to deceive people or for fun;
Sensible - not "sensível" (sensitive); reasonable, pratical and showing good judgment;
Actually - not "atualmente" (currently); in fact; really; in reality;
College - not "colégio" (school); university
To assign - not "assinar" (sign); to choose or decide on, or give a particular job or responsability to someone.
False Friends

These are the False friends that Danuza’s FCE class gathered, and we hope these are of any help to you
Pretend – not “Pretender” (intend). Pretend is to “fingir” (fool somebody)
Eventually – This adverb means finnaly / as a consequence, and not, in Portuguese "Eventualmente” (Occasionaly).
Compass – not “Compasso” (Compasses). It is a device for finding direction and that always points to magnetic north.
Dent – not “Dente” (tooth). A small hollow mark in the surface of something, caused by pressure or by being hit.
Ex: A dent in the door of a car
Intoxication – not “Intoxicação” (poisoning). Something that can get you drunk, or really happy.
Fabric – not “Fábrica" (Factory). A cloth produced especially by knitting, weaving, or felting fibers; The texture or quality of such cloth.
College – not "Colégio” (high school). Any place for specialized education after the age of 16 where people study or train to get knowledge and/or skills; University
Customs – not “Costumes” (Traditions). A section in the airport whose job is to look inside traveller’s bags to make certain they are not taking goods in a country without paying taxes
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
False Friends

Collar- not ''cordão'';it really means ''gola de camisa''
Condescending- not ''condescendente'';it means treating someone as if you are better or more important than them.''I hate he way he's so condescending to his staff''.
Actually- not ''atualmente''.It means in fact or really.''So what actually happened?''
Ordinary- not ''ordinário''.It means not different or special or unexpected in anyway;usual.''Readers of the magazine said they wanted more stories about ordinary people and fewer stories about rich and famous''.
Compromise- not ''compromisso''(commitment).It really means ''entrar em acordo''
Lunch- not ''lanche''(snack);it means ''almoço''
Pretend- not ''pretender''; it means to behave as if something is true when you know it's not:''He pretended (that) he didn't mind,but I knew that he did''
Novel- not ''novela'',it means ''romance''(livro)
Exquisite- not ''esquisito'';it means beautiful and well done
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
False Friends

ingenuous - not "ingênuo" (naive); it means engenhoso.
library - not "livraria" (bookstore); it means biblioteca.
scholar - not "escolar" (school); it means erudito.
comprehensive - not "compreensivo" (understanding); it means abrangente, amplo, extenso.
eventually - not "eventualmente" (ocasionally); it means finalmente, conseqüentemente.
injury - not "injúria" (insult); it means ferimento, lesão.
pretend - not "pretender" (to intend, to plan); it means fingir.
realize - not "realizar" (to carry out, to make come true, to accomplish); it means notar, perceber, se dar conta.
record - not "recordar" (to remember, to recall); it means gravar disco, gravação, registro.
legend - not "legenda" (subtitle); it means lenda.
genial - not "genial" (brilliant); it means afável, aprazível.
balcony - not "balcão" (counter); it means sacada.
anticipate - not "antecipar" (to bring forward, to move forward); it means prever, aguardar, ficar na expectativa.
actual - not "atual" (present, current); it means real, verdadeiro.
service - not "serviço" (job); it means atendimento.
tax - not "taxa" (fee); it means imposto.
lamp - not lâmpada (light, bulb); it means abajur.
intend - not "entender" (understand); it means pretender.
sensible - not "sensível" (sensitive); it means sensato.
novel - not "novela" (soap opera); it means romance (livro).
Sunday, 18 October 2009

confer - not "conferir" in the sense of "checar" (check); give authority, a legal right, or an honour to somebody;
disgrace - not "desgraça" (tragedy); embarrassment, humiliation, indignity;
particular - not "particular" as in "aula particular" (private); among other meanings: someone who is particular has very clear ideas about what they like and dislike and wants everything to be exactly as they like it; (Example: Mr. Drew is known for being very particular.)
pavement - not "pavimento" (floor); the same as "sidewalk" (USA); a path with a hard surface beside a road;
sympathetic - not "simpático" (friendly); kind to someone who has a problem and willing to understand how they feel;
ultimately - not "ultimamente" (lately); after a process or activity has ended; (Example: Technological advances could ultimately lead to even more job losses.)
valour - not "valor" (value) the quality of being very brave, especially in war
These are just a few. Let´s enlarge the list!!!!